
What Vampires Are

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InvisibleWinterWitch's avatar

Literature Text

Race: Human
Species: Vampire

Definition: A vampire is a human that has either been bitten –drained of blood, and has drank the blood of a vampire –or is born a vampire. They transform into another species of human under the curse of a goddess. They undergo a painful change, are forced to feed off blood, from human or animal, to survive, and changes in there body and mind…...for the trade of advanced senses, strength, speed, and a longer life with little signs of ageing.

**The first thing to know is that if you were to dissect a vampire, you wouldn't find many things out of the ordinary.
Their fangs and their saliva would be the only thing different, because their change isn't physical.
They change because of the curse.
Their speed, sight, and all their other newly developed powers come from the magic of the curse.
Their fangs and saliva are the only thing you could actually study because they are used to change others into vampires, and the saliva has to be able to be passed to someone that isn't cursed, to then change them into a vampire.

Population: Vampires have the highest population out of all the power-types, supernatural, and such. Out of all the people on the earth, only a quarter of the population are power-types. Vampires are about half of that population.

Location: Most of the vampire location lives in England and the USA.

Customs: These three customs are not rules, but, only show respect between vampires.
1. Before an outside vampire (a vampire out of his own territory) enters another's territory they are to wait at the border for permission to enter.
2. An outside vampire is not to hunt in another's territory.
3. Outside vampires are not to mingle with the others family and friends in that territory. (Unless given permission)

Traditions: A traditional vampire wedding is much like a normal human wedding, with one exception. First, they start with the blood joining. The two being wed are to slit there wrists and fill a small individual chalice of there blood. They, then, exchange cups and drink the others blood. Then, the usual wedding begins, that depends on the area. The wedding is usually held between three to seven people; the two being wed, a council member who will be joining the two, and occasionally the bride and groom's parents.
     A celebration among vampires is held every year on the night of January 1st. It is usually called the celebration of being. It is a celebration of what they are, vampires. Couples usually celebrate by joining their blood once again, like when they got married. All, on this night only, are aloud to kill two people rather than one every month.

Habits: Most vampires tend to be aggressive, territorial, blood thirsty, stressed out and jealous a lot. Most vampires dislike children, witches and werewolves. And most tend to dislike sunny weather and water.

Sleeping: Vampires need to sleep every other night/day, like a human has to sleep every night. Though, if they drink more blood it can help compensate for energy. Most vampires choose to sleep during the day and be active at night, though, they don't have to. Sunlight can bother them but it won't ever kill them. That's an old myth someone made up, just like Stefanie Myers sparkly vampires, that she made up.

Food: Vampires can either choose to feed from humans or animals. They are allowed to kill and feed from one human a month. Though, that is not enough to survive on. So, many vampires have a diet of both. Though, some turn to blood banks. Human blood is more nutrient, sweet and supplies more energy than animal blood. Many choose human blood over animal. Blood of anything dead can make the vampire sick or ill. Vampires can eat normal human food, though, too much of it can make them sick. Usually, they mix blood in with the food. Many vampires choose not to eat human food since it offers little nutrience to them and doesn't taste all that good.

Emotions: Vampires are one of the less sensitive and none motional power-types. They can seem very detached.

Stature: Of all the power-types they are number 4, on a scale of how powerful they are, out of the 9 power-types. 1, being the most powerful.

Strengths: They have much more advanced and keen senses, 3X the strength of humans (if not more), they see in the dark great, and have extremely fast reflexes. They are very fast. And, also, have sharp fangs that have tiny holes in them, like a snake's, that are filled with venom (that they can control and release at any time they choose) to change people into one of them. Also, vampires have the ability to change corpses of a dead human into zombies, which then they control. Vampires also have a great memory, are never sick, and have little signs of aging.

Weaknesses: They are allergic to the poisonous plants aconite (wolfsbane or monkshood), oleander, and poison ivy. All of these, either it be injected, touched, drank, eaten etc. is very dangerous to them. If exposed to enough of it, death will follow. If touched, they tend to have a reaction like poison ivy would to a human. Under most circumstances, though, all these won't kill them. The most deadly to them is the oleander. Poison ivy is the least deadly to them of the three.
Sunlight can also irritate them, but only intense, close, unstopping sunlight can kill them.
They have to feed off blood (human or animal) and will die if they don't eat for a long period of time.
Many see themselves as being 'cursed' there whole life. And, they go threw a painful change in the beginning, and the lust for blood can sometimes be overwhelming.
Also, when controlling a zombie they have to tell the zombie, right after it is made what it is to do. After that, the vampire has no way of contacting the zombie except face to face conversations. They have no telepathic communication with it what so ever.

Heart: Vampires are not dead, and do have a beating heart and a soul. Though, there heart beats slightly faster than a human.
Only 4 out of 9 power-types have no beating heart.
Also, there heart won't stop very easily. If stabbed or something, there heart would keep beating much longer than a humans would. This, is a trait common with all power-types.

Teeth/Fangs: When they first begin to change, both of there canine teeth will fall out giving way to there new fangs. There fangs are longer, sharper, and a bit bigger. Also, they can not retract there fangs. And, usually, there is no need to. They aren't all that notice able, as seen in most movies. If you were to see them, you would think they were a bit longer than usual, but your mind wouldn't go to vampire immediately. Vampire fangs have a very small, pin size hole in them, like a venomous snake. And, like a venomous snake, they contain a venom in them. They can control the venom as they choose. The venom is released when the vampire intends to change a human into a vampire, or a corpse of a human into a zombie. So, if your bit that doesn't automatically mean you're going to be changed into a vampire. Unlike werewolves, it is the vampires venom mixed with it's (the vampires) blood that changes the human to a vampire or a corpse to a zombie. For a werewolf, it is there saliva and there venom that contain the necessary components that changes humans into werewolves. This, combining of venom and blood (for vampires), or saliva and venom (for werewolves) helps to prevent accidental changing's.

Blood: The blood of vampires is slightly different than the blood of humans. They contain more platlets, which aid in the clotting of the blood. There blood also contains an increase in white blood cells, which defend the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials.

Eyes: Vampires eyes are very different. Besides being more advanced and being able to see in the dark, they change color, depending on there mood. There whole eye color doesn't change, when this happens, only tiny streaks change color, and is very light. Some, can stop it, but most cannot. It happens too fast. It takes only 2 seconds for there eye to shift its color. Like, when a human walks into a bright light, they wince or close there eyes. As the vampire's mood changes there eyes change color. Many who can't stop the change will wear contacts. But, usually it isn't much of a problem. It isn't as noticeable as most movies portray.
These are the main colors:

There birth/normal eye color means there calm or content.
Black means there angry.
Brown means their depressed.
Grey means their stressed out.
Blue means their sad.
Yellow means their tired.
Orange means their horney.
White means their scared.
Red means their hungry.
And, Green means their jealous.

Reproduction: Vampires can either be born a vampire or bitten. It is illegal for a human and a vampire to have a baby. And, if a werewolf and a vampire have a baby, the baby would be a vampire. The vampire gene is dominant, though, occasionally they could end up with a werewolf baby.

Appearance: Vampires look pretty much like humans (unless born a vampire). A bitten vampire will pretty much stay looking the same from the transformation from human to vampire. Except, they tend to have pale skin, they have fangs, and there eyes change color. Born vampires look more beautiful, perfectly proportioned, and god-like.

Aging: Vampires have little signs of aging, and no change in behavior, body, etc. the only sign of aging is in there eyes. The brightness of the colors in there eyes when they change will begin to dull with age.

Lifespan: The average of vampires can live from 500 years to 3,000 years, like some humans live to be 30 and some live on to be 100. A vampire who drinks human blood will live longer than a vampire who drinks animal. A vampire that drinks any other power-types, except there own kinds, blood will live longer than a vampire who drinks human blood. Though, the hunting of other power-types is illegal by the rules of the council. Only can one drink from another power-type if given the permission to by that power-type.

Other facts:

• Most of the vampire population lives in England.

• Most of the vampires are born vampires, not bitten.

• Changed, bitten, transformed, and embraced all mean the same thing.

• To change a human into a vampire the human must be injected with the vampires venom, then, they need to be drained of blood, but, not completely. After that, they must drink at least a cup of vampire blood.

• For a vampire to change a human corpse into a zombie the corpse must first be injected with the vampire's venom. Then, the vampire would have to give up at least a ¼ cup or 2oz of it's blood, by letting there blood drip into the corpses mouth. And, it is complete. But, in order to command the zombie the vampire would have to tell the zombie face to face what it is to do. Only its master, the one who created it, can control it. If the vampire were to leave or by any way not tell the zombie what to do the zombie would stand in one place until it died.

• A vampire council was created in the late 1700's by a vampire named Ethan. He believed that there needed to be rules to control all the new vampires. They needed to hide what they were, to continue to be able to feed off humans. They needed to limit how often they could feed off humans and animals to prevent them from dieing out or from humans discovering them. He easily formed a covenant that turned into, what most power-types, supernatural's, and all that, call The Council. Eventually he had everyone following his rules. Not only vampires, but, all power-types as well. He set up more and more laws to go along with the growing economy and more ways to enforce them. He soon set up 3 council buildings to ensure the laws were enforced. Now the council consists of more than just vampires, but other power-types too.

• Power-type is the name for the nine supernatural creatures, that are of human race, that most humans ceased to believe in. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, grim reapers, gargoyles, angels, demons, witches, and zombies are the nine.

• Many animals are able to detect evil and when something bad is about to happen, especially horses. The preferred horse is a black stallion with no markings on it, or, an all white horse. So, if you were to try and find a vampire, bring a horse around town with you. Who ever the horse seems afraid to go near might be a vampire!

• Many of the early sightings of vampiric monsters all over the world were actually the same thing. The stories were twisted and exaggerated to the point they seemed like many different things.

• The ashes, if ingested, of the burned corpse or organs of a destroyed vampire have the power to cure humans who have been turned into vampires, but, only if they have not tasted human or animal blood yet. The ashes, if ingested, also have the power to heal humans of wounds and sicknesses.  

• A Dampir is a 'vampire hunter'. It is a male child produced by a human woman and a male vampire. They are said to be able to detect and hunt vampires skillfully. Little is known about them because the Council won't allow the confinement of any half human-half power-type child. The child is said to always be a male, and won't have to drink blood or have many vampire entities, just more strength and skill like a vampire.

• Mirrors, in ancient folklore are said to be soul stealers. Breaking a mirror is said to be bad luck, for it damages the soul. If someone dies in a house or building, all the mirrors are to be turned over or taken down for a period of time. Because, if the mirrors are left, there is the chance the soul of the dead person will peer into the mirror and there soul could be stolen. This would force them to forever become a ghost, stuck in between our world and the next. Mirrors also reflect the soul. So, it is said vampires would have no reflection. But, that's untrue. Vampires do have a soul, so, they would have a reflection.

• To kill a vampire, the traditional stake threw the heart, burning, and decapitation will work, though other methods would work too. Almost anything that would kill a human can kill a vampire; it will just have to be intensified. Like if you tried to drown a vampire, they would last much longer than a human. If you tried to burn one to death, they could recover from major burns as a human would not, and they would burn slower too. The most painful way to kill a vampire would be to starve it to death, it would take a much longer time for them to die, but it is very painful for them to die that way.
......Most of it i got from books, encyclopedias, storys, folk lore, novels and stuff.....and some of it i made up. :)

let me know what you think!
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MrsCockroach's avatar
Ahh, I'm glad I found this. : D
Perfect refernce for--

-hides notfanart, lol what-